miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Malaga Street Views, April 2010

Shop window, Malaga April 2010, Bronica SQ-Ai, 50mm, F16, Ilford HP5, 400 ASA

Doorway, Plaza de la Merced, Malaga April 2010, Bronica SQ-Ai, 50mm, F22, Ilford HP5, 400 ASA

Just behind the temporary market, Malaga April 2010, Bronica SQ-Ai, 50mm, F22, Ilford HP5, 400 ASA

Charitas, Malaga April 2010, Bronica SQ-Ai, 50mm, F22, Ilford HP5, 400 ASA

Alex, Digging for Victory

Alex meets Social Realism!
April 2010

Malaga Sugar Factory, More Photos

The abandoned factory is surrounded by a field with grazing horses. On my second visit to the building I was joined in the vast machine hall by about 15 of the fine beasts.


Most of the windows and doors are bricked up, ideal canvases for graffitti artists.